

Thursday, January 31, 2008

More clutter clearing

Today I found all the missing boxes. The ones I knew were there but were so tricky they eluded the eyes of my husband. So many more boxes! Boxes of kids clothes, as many if not more than I sorted yesterday, boxes of toys, boxes of junk, junk I apparently didn't want to sort before boxing, and then the boxes of fabric, lets not forget about my collection of fabric.

It is still a mess downstairs but I did make it 90% of the way and am going to go back down soon (wish me luck). But while I am taking a brake to feed, bathe and put my kids to bed I thought I would put down my feeling and thoughts from the day.

I think there might be a healthy amount of hushed mourning that goes along with sorting. Whether it is sorting out our lives or sorting out our crawl spaces. We start, ready to tackle the world, and then at some point there comes a pause. And then the questions start. Am I doing the right thing? Should I really be getting rid of all of this? Haven't all these items made up who I am? What will happen if I let them go? Can I let them go? Now there is the real question, can we let go of who we were to become who we are meant to be?

Scary isn't it? But why is that so scary? Isn't that what this, life, is truly all about? letting go, moving forward, letting go, moving forward. Could this fear just be the ego's way of trying to keep status quo? Trying to help us keep control over the uncontrollable? If I never let go of anything then the world around me will never change. As much as I would love to believe my ego when it tells me that, I have a sinking feeling its not true. Why not open our arms and welcome the new? It might be easier then bumping into everything because we can't see where we are going with our eyes focused on the past.

I will tell you, part of me is scared to bits of change, but it is coming whether I want it or not. I think we might be better friends if I welcome it into my life and don't have to be dragged kicking and screaming. Heres to always being able to see change, as a change for the better.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Day 1 continued (really day 3 but who's counting)

Today was all about cleaning out old clutter. Chris and I spent most of the day going through boxes and boxes of stuff starting with our kids' old baby clothes, something I have been dreading for years. Chris brought me 5 or 6 large boxes (one huge) and I sorted all of them and kept only 1 small box!! woo whoo! I did it. I know there are more under there that he just didn't see but I tackled what I had in front of me and that is all that matters. Then after moving so quickly through the baby clothes we moved on to our old clothes and then onto packed clutter. I am happy to say that we ended up weeding out much more than we kept, and a good majority of it went to Good Will. I think I have two boxes no maybe three downstairs right now total and small boxes at that.

So today was a good, albeit a very exhausting, day of getting rid of unneeded items. It is amazing the things we hold on to, afraid to let it go, afraid that someday somewhere if the world falls apart we may need this or that - how we would find it is beyond me but we keep it and for a time it makes us feel safe, secure and prepared. I think that all it really does is tie us to the past and in doing so keeps us from moving forward but maybe that is what we were really afraid of in the first place.

Monday, January 28, 2008

Day 1

Today is day one of my soul coaching in 28 days program by Denise Linn. Well I really decided to start yesterday but I have a feeling that day one might last a few days while I get set up and ready to go. With one baby behind me and one on my lap I sit here writing about my new journey.

Week one is the clearing your mental self week, and Day 1 is life assessment day (with the added task of clearing the clutter in your house). And now it is clear to all the mothers out there why day one may take a few extra days.