Ok - so here is my beef for the day, I think that we are taught (and you know its true) that the more things we acquire and the bigger and 'better' they are the further ahead we are in the game of life. For example, "oh my house is only a 2 bedroom 1 bathroom home if I could figure out a way to move into a 4 bedroom 2.5 bath house then I will have 'made-it' and finally be happy and have money" Why do we think that if we get a bigger house we'll automatically have more money? Wouldn't really the opposite be true? Why do we feed ourselves, and our children by proxy, these lies? Wouldn't our lives be less stress filled if we could just happy with who we are, just as we are?
I realize that most of this comes from the media and such, AND that most of us are just now waking up our 80's comas. Those crazy, buy everything maybe two because there was a "sale"and put it on credit card to "pay latter", eat ready made dinners on trays in from of the wooden TV (that had no remote), and who could forget Madonna - 80's that filled our early childhood. You know the clue should have been in the clothes, hair and make-up, that we were just not all there in the 80's.
So here we are now all starting to FINALLY stumble out of that just sit back and let things come to me era - but now what? We have systematically lost the knowledge of how to do things ourselves and are more reliant on the government and industry then ever before. We need to band together to teach what we do remember to others and find value and self worth in sustainability not spendability (not sure thats a word) So here is my plea to the universe. . . "Help us help each other! Help us to find communities again and loose these thoughts that we have to be totally independent to be whole and worthy in the eyes of others"