Ok so my last post was really on a Tuesday, you got me. Funny thing then that today really happens to be a Monday.
Today is the second day in a row that I have went running in the morning (ok really a mixture of run and walk). I have been wanting to run in the morning for some time now and have always been able to come up with an excuse for why I should not, guess I RAN out (laugh).
I feel so great, and so tired all at the same time but not the couch potato 'I haven't moved in 3 days and I am so tired I wont move for another 6' but the oh my gosh I love life kind of tired.
So here is the funny part. Every time I decide that I need less padding from the world, less of a bumper, buffer of protection, I have get these wonderfully overwhelming desires to do something rewarding for my body. So it doesn't feel like the usual 'I want to loose weight, I should go exercise' but more to the effect of 'I am ready to loose a bit more of my protective padding, I don't think I really need it. Oh an wow, I should really go swimming that sounds like a bast'. It really is the most amazing thing and the best part is that I know I am healthier holistically, body, mind and spirit!