Why do we try to fit everything into boxes. We look at people and the first thing we look for is gender. Is the person male of female? If we can tell right off the bat, then no big issue, everything is fine and that persons first noticeable quality fits in one of two boxes and thus we have a comfort level and are able to move on to the next question whatever that may be. But what if you can't tell right away, what if it takes a second look, or even a third and what IF even after the third glance you still can't make up your mind, then what? Do you start to panic a tiny bit? What box do they fit into? How can you define someone and put them where they go if you can't figure out where they go?
So as a society I believe we struggle with this quite a bit. What would happen if we didn't try to fit EVERYTHING into this or that box? I have been thinking about this all day and decided that for me personally I MAY be able to fit some of the strangers I meet into a partial box some of the time but then inevitably I will try to do the same with myself (because that is where our comfort level is right?) and let me be the first to say "I DON'T FIT IN ANY DAMN BOX"! and trying to put myself there causes so much undo stress and pressure. So, as a wise woman tells me often, 'could I just for today, just for now, stop'?
Well I did just that, I saw someone that I could not immediately label (and really whats a box without a label) and instead of taking the time to try and figure it out for my ego/my comfort level I just let it go, and guess what? The world kept on spinnng and I lived AND I had the great thought that if I could let others out of the boxes I have made for them, then maybe just maybe I could let myself out of mine. What do you think about them apples? :)
disclaimer . . . I am obviously just using one issue, one label as an example but we do this non-stop all day for everything and I believe we, together, have the right AND obligation to brake down these boxes - They don't fit and never have. If anything they cause way more trouble then they are worth and we don't need that :O)