Wednesday April 28th 2010
The Shoes!
Here they are, the second pair, the new and improved, the not falling apart at the seams, and now PINK running shoes. I have decided that instead of "blinging" them out right away, like I did with the last pair, I will simply add one piece of "bling" for every run I go on. So, take a good look, this is the last time they will be with out "sparkle".
In the spirit of wanting my shoes to gleam I got up at 6:00 this morning and went for a three miles run/walk with Sam (who did every well and only tired to trip me twice - we're improving)
Then, it was home to get the house moving and talk dear hubby into making me his, now famous, pancakes. YEAH. I think this should be a routine, I get up go run and when I get home Chris says "Good job running honey, here's your pancake".
Food and Diamond sparkle - who could ask for more? (out of a run anyhow)
The rest of my day was filled with studying and laundry until it was 'signing time' or ASL class.
The Drive/crawl to school.

It was raining on and off all day today. These kinds of days are fairly normal for Portland, in the spring, fall and winter, but for some reason the highways were a total mess. My normal trip to school takes me about half an hour, (with good traffic) so I generally leave an hour before class starts to allow for traffic. Today that allowance was not enough.
Here is my drive on hwy 84.
Per Google maps this stretch of highway should be
"5.4 mi – about
5 mins" well let just say it

was a bit longer then that.
Here's the on ramp. Lots of pretty red lights.
Notice the time in the lower right corner - 5:56pm.Up to this point it was slow, a 15 minute drive had taken about 40 minutes BUT we were moving so I still had hope I might make it to class on time.
Originally these pictures started as a catalog to show my deaf professor, making it easier to explain my tardiness. It didn't take long, though, for them to at a turn to still life.
(Proof that grass will grow
anywhere but my front yard.)

Nearly 45 minutes later I could see the off ramp! I was on my way to being on the 5!! Never had I thought I would be this excited about getting on I-5. Not that it was smooth sailing from there, but after spending a little quality time on the Marquam Bridge, traffic started moving again. Don't think I let Q/T on the Marquam escape me, oh no, I got a really nice picture of the city scape from that bridge. Now, If I had been thinking I would have rolled down the dirty, rained stained, dog licked, window and gotten a really great shot - but as it is I am still happy.

All and all I was about an hour late for class but the teacher didn't seem too mad. He let me know that he leaves two hours early just for this reason - I cant see leaving that early on the off change that I will be spending an hour on a five mile stretch of Hwy BUT then again, maybe on rainy days.