I am finally ready for "starting Monday" and what a great feeling. Please keep me honest! I am going to try to take the kido's swimming today along, BURN those calories baby!
I have to say that I am happy that I gained the weight though. Now I know what you are thinking, that I am crazy, but I have to tell you that with out the extra 35-40 odd pound gained I would not have gained the experience nor the insight as to WHY I gained that weight. For this lesson I will forever be greatful. I got a glimpse into what may cause obesity for so many people. What a great gift.
So what was this awesome insight you ask? Well just this, we pad ourselves from life. For me personally I was padding from the stress of a move, of living with a very abrasive partner and from the overwhelming nature of being empathic. It sounds simple enough but it has such deep meaning. Its almost like we bubble wrap ourselves and then wonder why our clothes don't fit. For me it was eating that helped me feel comforted for others its the control over eating. If we could look past the labels of fat or skinny and realize that we are all dealing with the same issues it would make it so much easier to help one another AND ourselves.
I hope that I can take this wonderful opportunity that I have been given and turn it into something I can put in my toolbox of life to help others. First I have to prove my theory that your environment doesn't HAVE to change its how you react to your environment that has to change.
Here I start my walk towards letting go of my padding, thank you for walking next to me on this journey.
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