Our small family decided to have themed years instead of New Years resolutions. They seem like more fun and a good way to promote personal growth. Two years ago was the year of Being Thrifty. We, as a family, learned more about need vs want and about earning vs instant gratification among other things. Last year was the year of Happiness. Trying to teach our children that true happiness comes from within and that your emotions are not controlled by those around you. We might revisit that theme in a few years, not sure we've totally mastered THAT ONE. This years theme, inspired by our youngest, is giving. (Helping was the original proposed idea.) The year of giving, of ourselves, of time, of money, of love... You get the idea.
I started yesterday (and some of today) researching charities and volunteer opportunities. My idea is to have a theme of the month to keep us interested. January might be the month of the Cat. Donate monies and time to local non-profits that help felines in some way. This showing our children that their time as well as their dollar is needed, getting some life lessons about hard work BONUS.
What are some things you are trying to do for 2013?
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